With more than twenty years of experience in the world of pipe and coffee supply, Cafe Artin is known as a top destination for those interested in the art of smoking pipes and enjoying the pleasant world of coffee. From quality pipes produced by reputable brands to various tobaccos and professional pipe accessories, Cafe Artin provides you with all the necessary tools for a complete experience. Also, by offering a variety of coffee beans and powder from the best world sources, it invites you to a pleasant and different journey in the world of flavor and taste.


The ideal choice of pipe considering high standards and reasonable price is now easily available to you. With the assurance of a one-year fireplace warranty and the possibility of returning until the time of non-use (one week), experience the best smoking experience with Pinocchio Pipe.

Купить трубочный табак и табак

Если вы хотите купить трубочный табак в Ереване, мы можем помочь вам выбрать лучший трубочный табак и табак.


More than two decades of experience in the production and supply of pipe tobaccos, in cooperation with leading European brands, Cafe Artin & Pinocchio Pipe offers a wide range of quality tobaccos to those interested.


Offering a variety of filters, bags, stands, and other professional pipe smoking accessories, Cafe Artin makes it easy to find every tool you need for the perfect experience.


All kinds of coffee beans and powder from the best sources in the world, according to decades of experience in professional roasting, are now available to you. Also, due to its brilliant history in providing quality and freshly ground coffee, Cafe Artin offers you a different experience of professional and pleasant coffee blend.

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