Road map – EN

Melodia is a multi-vendor website that has tried to consider the advanced product search technology as well as the ease of online shopping.
Advanced product search as well as offering similar products or products that you will need by purchasing the original product can help you in choosing the right product that you really need.
The purpose of the platform is to help the promotion and development of the economy from two points of view of the family economy, that is, to provide goods for the consumer by transferring the information of the goods offered on the site so that the buyer can buy the goods he needs with the best conditions, and secondly, that the price is competitive. And access to the best price is also important.

Another step is to distribute economic opportunities based on the resources available to citizens in the country. So that everyone can make money from their available resources or expertise. It can also make the price of the product competitive and get the consumer the product at a cheaper price.
This step can greatly contribute to the distribution of wealth in the whole country and also make people unnecessary to migrate to earn money. It will also help to use the available resources in the country and the country will not need unnecessary imports of goods that it can produce.

It will help the citizens to earn money and with their economic progress, they will involve more people in the economy and by spending the money they earned, they will cause the economic growth of their city.

Customer satisfaction will be the most important for us and we will always examine and test the product suppliers to understand what product reaches the customer.

Using artificial intelligence to help the user to make optimal use of the purchased product or to help choose the product can be a new experience in this field.

It will help the citizens to earn money and with their economic progress, they will involve more people in the economy and by spending the money they earned, they will cause the economic growth of their city.
Customer satisfaction will be the most important for us and we will always examine and test the product suppliers to understand what product reaches the customer.
Using artificial intelligence to help the user to make optimal use of the purchased product or to help choose the product can be a new experience in this field. Roadmap:
Melodia’s business plan is based on the 4p formula.
1 Location:

A will be built in the initial step of the company’s place of business. The importance of the physical location of the company will be for the purpose of being able to manage the executive tasks necessary for business activity. Organized the necessary structures and deployed the necessary employees at the company location.
– Purchased and installed the necessary tools and equipment
– Trained employees
– Held the required meetings with economic partners or suppliers
– Performed procurement and transfer or packing of goods

place for

B Company website from a location perspective
The Melodia site is considered as the most important pillar and main base of the company, where all ideas and creations are installed and launched.
The development of software and business solutions and connecting buyers and sellers and the whole basis and business idea is based on the website.
Also, the website can remove the entire business from focusing on the physical location and expand it in other countries.
All creativity is supposed to gather in this place.
Ideas are installed as software on the website and tested and modified to be most effective.
Investing in this area can make employees smarter and implement ideas more easily.
Location from the country’s point of view:
At this time, Armenia is in a good opportunity for investment. Internet penetration is average, there are few parallel businesses. They are not very creative in the economy, but the wave of their movement is being formed, one of the signs of which is the boom in the construction sector.

product is important connection

2 Products

The product is the most important link between the buyer and the seller.

Without a product, the whole business idea is like a person who has a body but no soul.

The most careful selection of business partners and suppliers should be considered.

The supplier must meet the following conditions:

The same product quality throughout the product supply period

Accuracy in the delivery schedule

Ease of sending goods for Melodia and for the customer

Willingness to upgrade and improve technical work

At the beginning of the work, the 50 technique will be used to attract suppliers of high consumption goods. Therefore, it is important to choose the exact name and specifications of each product.

3 Price:
The point that the customer considers in the second degree will be the price. That is, stability of quality and ease of delivery are more important than price, but price is also an important parameter.
The price should match the quality.
The business partner should supply the goods at a suitable price in such a way that the profit of both the buyer and the seller is guaranteed and Melodia earns money.
Do not change the price suddenly

4 Advertisements:
It has a very important role in attracting customers. The Melodia platform will progress if it can attract both buyers and sellers. The existence of these two groups is very important.
Advertising should keep both groups active and alive.
At least 5 media will be selected
The penetration rate of each media and its coordination with the target market will be measured.
The required budget is determined and prepared.
The budget will be used according to the schedule.
The budget will be set with a quarterly target so that it can be corrected and updated.