Best time to drink coffee

The best time to drink coffee is a topic that has been debated for years. While some people prefer to drink coffee first thing in the morning, others believe it’s more beneficial to hold off for a few hours. This article will explore the best time of day to drink coffee based on scientific evidence.

According to a Healthline article, the best time to drink coffee is mid- to late-morning when your cortisol level is lower 1. Cortisol is a hormone that can enhance alertness and focus. It also regulates your metabolism, immune system response, and blood pressure. The hormone follows a rhythm specific to your sleep-wake cycle, with high levels that peak 30–45 minutes after rising and slowly decline throughout the rest of the day. Drinking coffee too soon after rising decreases its energizing effects, as your stress hormone cortisol is at its peak level at this time. Elevated levels of cortisol over long periods can impair your immune system, causing health problems. However, no studies to date have observed any superior energizing effects with delaying your morning coffee, compared with drinking it immediately upon rising 1.

Another Perfect Brew article suggests that the best time to drink coffee is between 10 a.m. and noon, and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. This is because these are the times of day when cortisol levels are at their lowest in the body, and thus consuming coffee at these times maximizes the effect of the caffeine in the coffee 2.

Moriondo article suggests that the best time to drink coffee in the afternoon is usually between 1 and 5 pm when our alertness naturally drops off, and we start to feel drowsy. This way, you can get the boost of energy you need without risking disrupting your sleep pattern at night 3.

In conclusion, the best time to drink coffee is subjective and depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. However, based on scientific evidence, it is suggested that the best time to drink coffee is mid- to late-morning when your cortisol level is lower, or between 10 a.m. and noon, and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. when cortisol levels are at their lowest in the body. Drinking coffee in the afternoon between 1 and 5 pm can also be beneficial for those who experience a drop in alertness during this time 132.


Սուրճ խմելու լավագույն ժամանակը տարիներ շարունակ քննարկվող թեմա է։ Թեև որոշ մարդիկ նախընտրում են առավոտյան առաջին բանը սուրճ խմել, մյուսները կարծում են, որ ավելի օգտակար է այն մի քանի ժամ պահել: Այս հոդվածը կբացահայտի օրվա լավագույն ժամանակը սուրճ խմելու համար՝ հիմնվելով գիտական ապացույցների վրա:

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