How to order coffee in Italy

Italian coffee culture is a rich and diverse world of flavors and aromas. From the classic espresso to the lesser-known affogato, Italian coffee has something for everyone. In this article, we will explore the different types of Italian coffees, their composition, flavor, and the reason for their name.


The quintessential Italian coffee, espresso is a small shot of strong coffee that is brewed under high pressure. It is the base for most Italian coffee drinks. Espresso has a rich, bold flavor with a hint of bitterness. It is named after the Italian word for “pressed out” because the coffee is brewed by pressing hot water through finely ground coffee beans.


A ristretto is a very concentrated espresso. It is made by using less water than a regular espresso, which results in a smaller, more intense shot of coffee. Ristretto has a strong, bold flavor with a hint of sweetness. It is named after the Italian word for “restricted” because the amount of water used to brew it is restricted.


A lungo is an espresso with more water. It is made by using more water than a regular espresso, which results in a larger, milder shot of coffee. Lungo has a mild, smooth flavor with a hint of bitterness. It is named after the Italian word for “long” because the amount of water used to brew it is longer.


A doppio is a double shot of espresso. It is made by using twice the amount of coffee as a regular espresso, which results in a larger, stronger shot of coffee. Doppio has a rich, bold flavor with a hint of sweetness. It is named after the Italian word for “double” because it is a double shot of espresso.


A cappuccino is a milky coffee drink that is made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. It has a creamy, smooth flavor with a hint of sweetness. Cappuccino is named after the Capuchin friars because the color of the drink is similar to the color of their robes.

Caffè macchiato:

A caffè macchiato is an espresso with a touch of milk. It is made by adding a small amount of steamed milk to an espresso shot. Caffè macchiato has a rich, bold flavor with a hint of sweetness. It is named after the Italian word for “stained” because the milk “stains” the espresso.


A marocchino is a chocolatey espresso. It is made by adding cocoa powder and milk foam to an espresso shot. Marocchino has a rich, sweet flavor with a hint of bitterness. It is named after the Moroccan city of Marrakech because the drink is similar to the Moroccan coffee drink “café des épices”.

Caffè corretto:

A caffè corretto is an espresso with liquor. It is made by adding a small amount of liquor, such as grappa or sambuca, to an espresso shot. Caffè corretto has a rich, bold flavor with a hint of sweetness. It is named after the Italian word for “corrected” because the liquor “corrects” the espresso.

Caffè Americano:

A caffè Americano is an espresso with hot water. It is made by adding hot water to an espresso shot. Caffè Americano has a mild, smooth flavor with a hint of bitterness. It is named after American soldiers in World War II who would dilute their espresso with hot water to make it more like American coffee.


A latte is a milky coffee drink that is made with espresso and steamed milk. It has a creamy, smooth flavor with a hint of sweetness. Latte is named after the Italian word for “milk” because of the large amount of milk used in the drink.

Caffè d’orzo:

A caffè d’orzo is a coffee-like drink made from barley. It has a mild, nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness. Caffè d’orzo is named after the Italian word for “barley” because it is made from roasted barley.


An affogato is a coffee and ice cream drink. It is made by pouring a shot of espresso over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Affogato has a rich, sweet flavor with a hint of bitterness. It is named after the Italian word for “drowned” because the ice cream is “drowned” in the espresso.

Moka pot:

A moka pot is a traditional coffee pot that is used to make espresso-like coffee. It has a rich, bold flavor with a hint of bitterness.

Source: rossiwritescoffeeteakingdom


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